My day is now

A dedicated donation webpage is available at, but it requires you to use a web browser and type in your credit card information, as opposed to the simplicity of iTunes billing.
Reminding folks to “get great apps and help (RED) fight AIDS” via a push alert did not sit well with some nit-picky watchers. I’m talking about Instapaper and Tumblr creator Marco Arment whose blog post insists Apple broke its own rule about using Push Notifications for promotions.
Some people piggy-backed on Marco’s blog post and tweeted out their disdain because the App Store sent them the (RED) notification, twice.
“This is clearly a promotion, will annoy thousands or millions of people and is in direct violation of the least-enforced rule in the App Store,” Arment wrote explaining his first-world problem with Apple’s promo alert.
Claiming Apple broke its own rule is something of an exaggeration. Who’s to say that App Store rules must apply to Apple? Just because a rule exist for third-party apps doesn’t mean Apple itself should abide to it.

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